Package Design; Portal
For Profits
Is quality packaging really worth the effort? You have 20 seconds to move
that product

Thanks to the Internet, brand based packaging has become even more critical in the marketing mix, as consumers closely research more products—sometimes for hours—before venturing to the stores for purchasing. But after they get to the store, research has proven that consumers only scan the shelves for 20 seconds on average! Packaging has to grab the eye, communicate, teach and deliver more than ever in the current economic environment...
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Generic Sales Surge,
Impact Big Brands
Why rising generic sales could
mean opportunity for your
product or service

Some of the big brands are in a storm like never before. Why? For one thing, adjusted unemployment figures (including those who have given up looking and those working part-time that want full-time work) are hovering at a staggering 17 percent. Now more than ever, consumers are seeking value; and as they hunt value, the strength of some big brands is being tested like no other time in recent history. This could all add up to opportunity...
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Search Engine Optimization
And Your Business
Start using ongoing SEO to improve
traffic to your website

It's no secret that traditional methods of search are drying up. According to a Borell Associates report, the Yellow Pages industry will lose 39% of its in annual revenue over the next five years. Back in 2007, Bill Gates was already predicting that Yellow Pages usage amongst people under age 50 would soon drop to near zero. Why? Because “search” has been redefined via the search engines of the Internet! And forget about computers—today's...
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Creative Work Should Speak For Itself
Your advertising agency should offer
more than a dog and pony show

SMany people became aware of Joe Duffy's work somewhere in the mid 80's, when he and his designers were developing work for French Paper Company. Personally, I found that work to be both refreshingly new, yet often executed with an antique feel that was simply wonderful. A few weeks ago while reading one of his articles, I noticed a statement that resonated with me. Joe wrote something that I have been saying for years...
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Listening For Better Creative
The best solutions for advertising start with listening

Did you ever wonder how creative leaders come up with great ideas for their clients? I think the good ones listen. I've been called many things over the years; creative director, digital designer, brand consultant... these have all been labels I have been happy to accept at one time or another. But I think one of the best compliments I ever got from a client was being called an “intense listener.” That one got my attention, and I wore that moniker proudly for a reason...
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7 Steps To Better Advertising
Follow the C-words to make sure
you're communicating

I had a small business owner recently tell me that advertising back in the 90's seemed easier. “Everyone had money, and people were beating down the door to buy our products,” she said. “Now it seems like our advertising and branding has become much more critical.” With many small businesses struggling to just to make payroll today, I think we can all see her point. Use these C-words to make a review of your business advertising...
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Hiring A Graphic Design Firm
Why big agencies are not always
the best choice

A few years ago, I got a call from a prospective client here in Florida and I went to meet with them about a project. The marketing director informed me that they had previously hired another firm, but they were unhappy with the results. Eventually I Iearned that the other firm was one of the largest and well-known ad agencies in the area. Now on the surface this can be flattering, but it reveals something important about big agencies; they are not always going...
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Trademarks Mean Business
The importance of brand to your
product or service

Just a few days before announcing its massive new expansion to its Orlando park, Disney announced it agreed to purchase Marvel for $4 billion. That's 4 billion with a "b"—for the comic book company that sputtered into bankruptcy in 1996! Kim Parrish Creative Services has produced a fair amount of work for many of the largest Florida theme parks including Disney and others associated with Marvel, and I can tell you this caught many industry...
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How To Keep Your Website From Stagnating
Don't give your customers stale food!

Industry experts suggest that one of the top 10 mistakes you can make with a company website is allowing it to go stagnant. Although most web design firms offer reasonable maintenance and update packages, we still see this happening year after year; companies simply fail to provide a dedicated stream of new information and updates, and as a result the image of those companies begins to suffer while their search engine results weaken...
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Social Media; The Good, The Bad And The Waste Of Time
New survey indicates many executives like it, but still have doubts

It's interesting to see the impact of social networking sites on our society. While many companies are still scrambling to set up a presence on social sites like Twitter, some employers and government agencies are blocking access completely. While advertisers are dreaming up new ways of building their brands on Facebook, some are suggesting it may be a waste of time and a killer of personal productivity. Others are using SM as a direct...
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5 Tips For Recession-Proof Branding
Back to the basics—use fundamental branding to beat the recession

With the U.S. seasonally adjusted unemployment rate at its highest level in over 25 years, it's obvious the recession is lingering. Companies and professionals are looking everywhere for new profit streams in this tough market. Social networking on Twitter and Facebook has its place, but don't forget the basic tools that can really make a difference on your next sales call. In this type of economy, your basic marketing materials have to work harder than ever...
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